Investment advice for ODs during down markets

April 12, 2020
Missing the best 10 days over 20 years is a look at timing market downside. But what about upside? I know more than one investor who exited the market in 2018, sure that we were at the peak.
Those investors missed out on a 28.88% return in 2019, which would have still been a positive return today, even with the recent market decline.

So what does all this mean? There are no crystal balls. Have we seen the bottom of this market downturn? No one knows. Will we see a "u" shaped or "v" shaped recovery? Hard to say. There is still a lot of uncertainty out there, but also a lot of good news to expect.

Even if you get lucky every now and again, it's hard to perfectly time the market. Take a long term approach with your investment portfolio by investing prudently in an appropriate allocation. You can take advantage of gains or make opportunistic buys through a systematic, scheduled portfolio rebalancing.

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All data, projections and opinions are as of the date of this report and subject to change.
Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Hayes Wealth Advisors does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your legal and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions. All recommendations must be considered in the context of an individual investor’s goals, time horizon, liquidity needs and risk tolerance. Not all recommendations will be suitable for all investors.
Investments have varying degrees of risk. Some of the risks involved with equity securities include the possibility that the value of the stocks may fluctuate in response to events specific to the companies or markets, as well as economic, political or social events in the U.S. or abroad. Bonds are subject to interest rate, inflation and credit risks. Treasury bills are less volatile than longer-term fixed income securities and are guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by the U.S. government. Investments in foreign securities (including ADRs) involve special risks, including foreign currency risk and the possibility of substantial volatility due to adverse political, economic or other developments. These risks are magnified for investments made in emerging markets. Investments in a certain industry or sector may pose additional risk due to lack of diversification and sector concentration.